Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Traveling in Germany

Well, my plans for blogging are never very quick in coming to fruition.  So I am one week out from leaving Europe, and I am finally getting to do a post.

First, love the food here.  Mmm...  Everything has been very good.  I love buying fruit from a fruit stand.  The grocery store have some really good gluten free breads.  I had some rolls yesterday that were like any roll I might eat with gluten in it.  I have also had some amazing dairy-free gluten-free cookies.  Of course, nothing is better than using marzipan in a confection.  Sadly, many of the brands I have tried do not distribute in the US.

I found one vegan cafe that does dairy-free food, and they offer gluten-free bread and kuchen (cake).  I hope to stop there once more before leaving Cologne.   The baguette I had was amazing; and it was gluten-free.

I have not been able to cook here, since I have been living in a hostel without kitchen facilities for guests.  So I either buy random things at the store to eat as a meal, or I go out.  I end up having things like cold falafel and a bell pepper (eaten like an apple) if I do the store, or I go to a Thai place I found that is affordable.

I have enjoyed many traditional foods here too.  I will miss being here, but I will be glad to be home where I can cook a proper meal myself.

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