Well, it has been six years and a couple of months since my last post on this blog. In that time I finished the second half of law school, passed the bar, and lived some more life. I never really got the time to keep blogging, but I still enjoy cooking.
In the last couple months I made some last minute decisions and started some new temporary adventures, but I am not sure what is next. However, what I am doing is writing again and looking to make that my full time job. I will not be picking up on this blog again, but I will still keep the original project up.
The new project will be a little bit of the old project and some bits of new projects all in one. It will be my space to stretch my legs and see what writing chops I have developed in the last few years. We are all constantly changing if we keep ourselves open, and from that change we can grow a lot. The new blog will be a place to explore life, learning, and whatever else I find interesting in the moment.
Right now, the page is under construction, but hopefully in the next couple weeks I will have the first regular post ready to roll at https://queenofsavory.blogspot.com/
I hope to see you there!
- Rosemary